
Video – “What is it that remains” 2009
The video was conceived for the May 2009 exhibition at the Dompfarre St Stephan. It mirrors the existence on its quest for what remains, remains of the human being of mankind, of the day, of the year with the aid of personal recordings showing the artist’s mother who died in 2008, in particular emphasis on the bombardements of Dresden in 1945.

“My mom, your mom” is a video performance I made in memory of my mother and her escape from Breslau where she lived and her two weeks in Dresden during the II World War in February 1945 while the air raid of the Allied Forces took place and killed more than 300 000 people. Some say 600 000, some say 30 000 people. She had to clear the dead bodies with only 23 years, all that changed the rest of her life. All what was left of her previous life was in that back pack.

Video 2 min. The backpack of my mom

Videodokumentation “Flexibility” a project about the question what we really need.
During VALIE EXPORT’s summer class “serial photography” I lived in my little trailer bus for more than two weeks, wondering about the things I really needed. In fact, it was just a bed to sleep in, water for cooking and washing, a gas-cooker and kitchen utensils, and that was pretty much it. I was able to reach all I needed out of one position, seated or lying on my bed. So I took a series of pictures of the things that were in connection with the different parts of my body. The whole question was about how great the flexibility of my body, my mind, my soul and my brain were.
Thus in order to have others experience this feeling of relative flexibility, I put those photos inside of my bus during the final exibition of the summer class. The viewers had to lie down on my bed to get a glimpse of the photos and to feel their own flexibility and to think about their true needs.

Flexibility – 2010 VALIE EXPORT Abschlussausstellung

A voyage in other worlds’ (on demand) 9 Min.
The film was made 1998 by Yeti Film Productionand is a documentation about my work and life from 1989-1998.