
You are welcome to visit my studio in 1180 Vienna. Please phone or mail for an appointment.

Exhibitions 2025

Caren Dinges & Heimat Museum Kautzen cordialy invite to the solo exhibition

“Eve´s arrousal”, Oil & Acryl on Cardboard
Video Präsentation –Eine Reise in andere Welten

Vernissage: Sathurday 28th June 4pm

3851 Kautzen, Lower Austria
Waidhofner Strasse 9

Opening hours: Sundays and Public Holidays 9.00 – 12.00am, 2.00 – 4.00pm


Exhibitions 2023

Cycle “Resurrection”, 145 x 160 cm, acrylique on canvas

Caren Dinges & the professional association of artists Austria cordialy invite to the exhibition

“Fire & Water”

Alte Schieberkammer
Meiselstraße 16-20, 1150 Vienna

Vernissage: Monday, 2th Oct. 2023, 6.30 pm

until Sunday 8th 2023, 5 pm

Caren Dinges & the professional association of artists Austria cordialy invite to the exhibition

“Bright winter”

Sechsschimmelgasse 14, 1090 Wien

Opening: Friday 17th November 2023, 6 pm

until 8th Dezember 2023

Cycle “Contemplation” 3* 200 x 100cm, Acrylique on canvas

Exhibition 2022

Lamda C-Print on Alu dipond, 60 x 90 cm, Cycle “up and away”

Caren Dinges & the professional association of artists Austria cordialy invite to the exhibition ” “Climate change” in Reitherhaus

Opening: 6th May 2022, 7 pm
3130 Herzogenburg, Rathausplatz 22

7.-28.5.2022, Mo bis Fr 9:00 bis 12:00 und 12:45 bis 17:00 Uhr, Sa 9:00 bis 12:00 Uhr

Caren Dinges & the professional association of artists Austria cordialy invite to the exhibition

„Macht der Worte“
Vienna Calligraphy Center
Vernissage Fr. 4th March 2022, 7pm march 2022 – 1th April 2022 Spiesshammergasse 4, 1120 Vienna

The 10 commandments, 115 x 115 cm Acrylique on canvas
Apple Sculpture “La réve”, 20 x 20 cm, ceramique, paint

Caren Dinges & the professional association of artists Austria
cordialy invite to the exhibition

Museum LEMU
“Malen ohne gefallen zu wollen”
Opening Wed. 26th January 2022, 7 pm
27th Jan. 2022 – 27th Feb. 2022
Obere Kirchengasse 23, 2103 Langenzersdorf

Exhibitions 2021 – Corona year with lots of lockdowns

“Path into heaven” 170 x 145 cm, Acrylique on canvas

Caren Dinges & the professional association of artists Austria
cordialy invite to the exhibition

“Future Splitter” in Schloss Gloggnitz
Opening 12th May 2021, 6.30 pm
2640 Gloggnitz
opening hours till 27. June 2021,
Fr., Sa., Sun., 2 – 7 pm

Exhibitions 2020 – Corona year with lots of lockdowns

Bildungshaus Schloss Rußbach
“Fotografie trifft Grafik”
9. Okt. bis 14.Dez. 2020

Pfarrkirche Hetzendorf
“Zu neuen Ufern”
Verabschiedung in die Pension von
Frau Pfarrer Vogel
26. Sept. 2020

Vienna Calligraphy Center
Spiesshammergasse 4. 1120 Wien
4 – 18.9.2020
Vernissage Fr. 4.9.2020, um 19 Uhr 

Exhibitions 2019

Aus der Serie “Burried” 60 x 90 cm, je

Mit wachen Augen durch unsere Zeit.
Ein Zeichnen mit Licht”

Caren Dinges & Kollegen in der Berchtoldvilla
Josef Preis Allee 12, 5020 Salzburg, Nonntal 
Freitag 8.11.2019 bis 20.12.2019

“Verlängertes Verlangen”
im Felsenmuseum Bernstein
Hauptplatz 5, 7434 Bernstein
vom 21. Sept. 2019 bis 10 Jan. 2020

Summer Pop up ART Galerie
21.8 – 31.8.2019

Durchgang Währinger Str. 100/Genzgasse 21

ART Walk 2019
im 18ten Wiener Bezirk
Sa. 4.Mai, So. 5.Mai
Leitermayergasse 35, 1180 Wien

Caren Dinges in ihrem Atelier
Der Künstler Adel Dauood und Caren Dinges

Das war die Gruppenausstellung
“Der den Mond trägt”
im Schloß Schönbrunn
 5. April 2019

former exhibitions